Unreal Engine 5 UI Projects
These are personal UI explorations and projects I’ve created using Unreal Engine 5. Developed during my free time, they are designed for game jams and indie projects, reflecting my passion for UI design in interactive experiences.
Diegetic HUD and Inventory System.
Survival Horror Project

UMG, Blueprints, Blender for Animations
I recently replayed Dead Space and was struck by its use of diegetic UI, seamlessly integrating the interface into the world to enhance immersion and heighten the oppressive atmosphere.
Inspired by this, I developed an FPS demo that integrates the UI directly into the player's character model, eliminating traditional pause screens, similar to Dead Space. However, I opted for a first-person perspective instead of the third-person view, as I found it to be more naturally immersive.
Here are the key features I built:
1. First-person animations with a fully developed animation blueprint to manage character states.
2. Custom FPS animations created from scratch using Blender.
3. An ammo system alongside a heart-scanner-style health bar, inspired by Resident Evil 7 and 8.
4. A functional inventory system with Use, Examine, and Drop commands.

In Engine - Test Footage

Inventory UI
Inventory UI
Flashlight and Laser Sight
Flashlight and Laser Sight
UMG Setup
UMG Setup

Here is health animation i created

Doom Recreation Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine 5, Photoshop
I was playing Doom 2 over the weekend during September and wanted to recreate it in Unreal 5.
Here are the key features I built:
1. A Weapon System with 7 different types of weapons. Both hitscan and Projectiles
3. 3 Different Types of Enemy AI systems using the Behaviour Tree.
4. An inventory system with ammo types and key object pickups.

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